Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Last weekend I was out on a group ride. I got myself a bit in trouble a few times and had to be bailed out (pushed). Thanks guys! At one point Amy said I should eat something so she helped me get my Gu out of my back pocket. It was cold so I had thick winter gloves on, which made it hard to have good manual dexterity. I did my best by ripping it open with my teeth and then sucking out the Gu as we were riding. This went ok until I couldn't get the last bit out. At this point I got the bright idea to stick it in my mouth and pull it out to suck it all out. It would have worked fine had I not clamped down to realize that Gu wrappers are metallic, which I quickly realized when it hit my filling. Ugh the pain!


gwadzilla said...

I bonked on a ride last week

sometimes bonk riding is good
it is good to push through it
it is good to test your spirit
it good to know what it feels like to run on empty
then to push it and learn
you can still go hard

then when it is over
stopping never felt so good

my favorite varieties all have caffiene in them
in the world before GU... I used to ride with a few chocolate covered espresson beans in a bag under the short on my thigh

they would soften up
they could get sloppy
but there were times where that soft sloppy goop got me where I needed to go

love-up-you said...

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