Last night we went climbing and we finally top-roped. I was paying very close attention on how to tie my knots and do everything correctly. The last thing I want to do is fall or have something fail. Then the guy says, "yeah, you don't have to worry about that knot failing, the rope will snap way before that knot will be an issue". Nice.
Upon returning home we walked in to a pack of CO2 cartridges in the middle of the floor. I thought this was odd. Why would the dogs get into them? Then I remembered what else was in that section of my bike bag, Hammer Gel! I checked my bag and my entire case of Raspberry Hammer Gel was missing. I looked in the living room and there sat the empty box. This morning Marc found the wrappers. Layla (we're guessing) had taken them upstairs to enjoy in the comfort of a nest she made out of a pile of Marc's clean clothes he had on the bed. They're not so clean now.
Glad to see you guys got on ropes!!! Enjoy.
Everybody likes some Rasberry hammer with some good taste buds... my jerky too!
I'm so excited about this whole top roping thing.
you guys are gonna kick ass on routes.
*does happy dance*
ohhhhh holy dog poop!
was layla wired?
did her poop smell like raspberry?
oh my. . .
Hmmm... I thought I did it right.
I did, I did. And with no help too!
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