Friday, March 07, 2008

In The Dark

These are some of the things I smelled, heard or saw on last night's urban ride. Most of them are smelt and heard as it was dark and I could pretty much only see Marc's ass.

  • exhaust fumes
  • spring peepers
  • labored breathing
  • wind
  • cigars
  • kids
  • laundry detergent
  • steak
  • bunnies (lots of them)
  • steak (ok we went back past, it smelt too good)
  • beer


megA said...

are your sure those things weren't just different forms and nuances of marc's ass?

i'm not so sure. . .

Regan Bailey, PhD, MPH, RD said...

you had me at peepers - let's ride together soon.....

breyla-la said...

yeah, what are peepers? ;-)

breyla-la said...

Are you still in the dark???

love-up-you said...

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