Friday, June 01, 2007

Itchy Scratchy

The other day I'm going through the mail and get an itch on my arm.

scratch scratch...

I continue flipping through the mail.

scratch scratch scratch...

I look and think oh bumps, that's odd.

scratch scratch scratch...

Finally it dawns on me, it's Poison Ivy. Ahh, no more scratching.

Today I got an itch on my other arm.

scratch scratch...

I go to scratch it again and I pause. Make a mental note, ok to scratch, it's not the Poison Ivy arm.

scratch scratch scratch...

This went on all day until a few moments ago when I realized there's bumps on this arm too! Oh no, it's spreading!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Went noodling yesterday with Marc.

No not that kind of noodling. Just needed a nice easy day on the bike. Rode into town and got some water ice.

mmmmm... Just what I needed.


Anonymous said...

So here's the trick: scratch the heck out of it and then stick your arm in a pool. Yeah it's a tad stingy, but that will pass and the poison ivy will be no more. Matty T goes hard core and uses clorox! Has to be a guy thing, see you tomorrow at the PRG?

Suki said...

*misses you*

wanna noodle?

megA said...

man, do i wish there was a rita's up here. . .

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