Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I went for a ride today and it was great. It wasn't superb and I'm no where near back to where I was before getting sick. But today at least gave me hope. After the other day I needed some.
Monday I came home and it was a beautiful day. Sunny and 84 degrees. Can't get much better right. So I had to do some yard work first, then I was able to slip out. I just wanted to do something easy to spin out my legs from the weekend.
As I took off down the street I knew I was in trouble. My butt was killing me. It was sore in ways I couldn't believe. I just kept fidgeting around and after some time it quieted down to an acceptable level. Then I tried to find a nice easy pace. So I clicked down, and down again, and again. Oh crap, you have got to be kidding me, there is none! My legs felt like lead and they refused to open up. But I continued on. The rest of the ride was more of the same. Towards the end my butt flared back up to searing pain by the time I got home. (Luckily no monkey butt like Marc's was last year, just irritated and raw) I came home cranky and disgusted. Marc kept asking me what was wrong. I said "nothing, I'm fine, just had a bad ride". Which was true. But I just couldn't get it out of my head. It was so bad.
Today I got back out. Not knowing what to expect. Found a nice comfy pair of shorts, put on all my favorite clothes so maybe that would help rub off. The sky looked gloomy and threatened rain, but I figured I'd get as far as I could before the rain hit. It turned out to be a great ride. I wasn't super fast, and my climbing legs seem to have left me, but I did as many of the logs as I could muster up. I woosed out on a couple, but did a few I never have before, so that was cool. As I came out I looked at my watch and noticed I had just turned a better time then I had all last year. Yeah! There's hope for me yet!


Frank Brigandi said...

women have a high pain tolerance, way to ride through it Diane.
Suki, excellent use of ass-flair and monkey butt are they compound adverbs or pronouns?.. wee...

Anonymous said...

That's a really good sign when you are just riding along "not pushing it" and things are faster..... ah progress! Lodi should be good :)

Kim said...

Boudreaux's Butt Paste...I steal it from my kid at times like this.

Anonymous said...


megA said...


thought of you yesterday during my race. i thought about how hard it was; i thought about how hard it must have been for you to do the 13 hour race a few weeks ago, but you did it. you did what i did, then you did it again and again.

i didn't think i could finish yesterday, but YOU gave me hope.

starting over isn't easy.

we all just have to do it one day at a time.

thanks for inspiring me.

